The overall aim of our project is to quantify the risk that agricultural plastics and associated co-contaminants may pose to the long-term health of smallholder farms in LMICs, with specific reference to food security and rural livelihoods. In addition, we aim to identify practical, economic, socially acceptable and politically viable solutions to help remediate land contaminated with plastic and prevent further pollution from happening through social behaviour and policy change.
The project is comprised of seven linked work packages, with the following objectives to:
- Quantify the sources and drivers of agricultural plastics and their entry into smallholder farms
- Understand the behaviour, fate and impact of macro-, micro- and nanoplastics on crop and soil health
- Quantify the risk of plastic and associated contaminants entering the food chain
- Identify perceived barriers and opportunities associated with removing plastics from soil
- Identify novel solutions for removing plastics from soil or minimising environmental impact
- Provide critical guidance to regulators and policy makers on the threat posed by agricultural plastics
- Generate legacy to ensure that the tools, technology, knowledge and partnerships developed during the project persist beyond the end of the project